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About MuyangLarry.Github.io

This blog was created in 2021, and what you’re seeing now is a revamped version from 2022. This blog is built using GitHub Pages + Hexo. If you want to access this site GitHub Pages open source address,click here;To access the GitHub open source address for this site,click here

About the author MuyangLarry

MuyangLarry, After 2005 young people, programming has a certain interest and understanding at present. Still have a lot of don’t understand place on program development, if have incorrect place, still ask big guy to point out, thank!


E-mail: lxn2314@outlook.com


GitHub: https://github.com/MuyangLarry
Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/7728786772
bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/1118890188?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0

Anything else I want to say

At present, the blog platform is also built to let me master and understand the information better output. At present, other blogging platforms include Bilibili column and news, and we plan to open CSDN blog and public account in the future. Personal channel currently only bilibili, is expected to open a YouTube channel, welcome to subscribe.