Apple held a press conference at the beginning of the month. I watched the press conference with dark circles under my eyes. Today, we don’t talk about products, we don’t talk about software, we will talk about this new product conference.

First up was the new Apple TV Plus. Apple TV Plus is a video subscription service from Apple

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The advantage of it is that there are no advertisements and you don’t need to have a membership to watch the show, but… It costs a lot to subscribe to. The event was dominated by a lot of talk about the new Apple TV Plus series, etc.

The next entry was, of course, the iPhone. This time, the new green was introduced, and the iPhone 13 Pro also ushered in a new green, showing apple’s modern vitality.

Third came chips that Apple has never been short of, and the iPhone SE. This time, Apple has added the bionic chip of the A15 to the iPhone SE, which is an exact copy of the iPhone 8. The iPhone SE is the 2022 iPhone 8, and the starting price is only 3,999, although that price can buy a high-end Android phone, which is affordable for Apple. But the iPhone SE is 26 times faster than the iPhone 8 and runs iOS 15. It even has the same glass back as the iPhone 13 series. It’s powered by Apple’s advanced Touch ID. There is a very important is that more than three thousand mobile phones have 5G. The iPhone SE is made of eco-friendly materials.

Fourth came the iPad, which is as important as the iPhone. This time, it’s the new iPad Air. The iPad Air 5 is a huge performance boost because it features a new Mac line, the same chip as its older brother, the iPad Pro, the Apple M1, which is 60 percent better than its predecessor. Let’s talk about the lens. This time, the front-facing camera has been upgraded to 12 megapixels, which is the same as the rear of the iPhone 13. The rear of the iPhone 13 was hit by an Air. The iPhone SE has 5G, but how can the iPad Air not have 5G? In addition, the iPad Air 5 also features a smart keyboard, giving it a chance to be productive, at least until it becomes iQiyi again. Such excellent performance, starting at 4,399, is still acceptable. There’s another one, which also runs iPadOS 15. Finally, Apple is as green as ever.

The fifth entry was the Mac, as important as the iPhone and iPad. The first is its chip. Chips in the Mac line include M1, M1 Pro, and M1 Max. This time, Apple announced the M1 Ultra. The announcement says it can bring unmatched performance to computers. Apple has always tried to improve performance by improving architecture, and this time… Apple merged the two M1 Max’s together. This is not a simple fit, even with two CPU connections, it can achieve a staggering 2.5TB/s of processing speed and low power consumption. It comes with an equally impressive 128GB of ram and the fastest processing speed on the planet. With chips out of the way, now comes the big story, which is apple’s Mac Studio for The Studio, and the Studio Display. It’s compact, but bigger than two Mac Minis. It is quiet and carries the M1 Ultra. It has a powerful interface and can connect up to four monitors at once. It is powerful enough to play 18 8K ProRes timelines simultaneously. Finally, environmental protection…